Cailgeo Genealogy

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Thursday 16th of May 2024
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  1. «I don't find my file... ?»
  2. «I don't find my patronyms... ?»
  3. «Files are unreadable... ?»
  4. «Download... ?»
  5. «comptage.php... ?»
  6. «decompression... ?»
  7. «Opening a zip file... ?»
  8. «Password...(1)?»
  9. «Password...(2)?»
  10. «I want to update my data and contact information... ?»

I don't find on the site the file that I sent to you...?

The site is updated every week. The files reaching us before saturdays will be placed next Monday. Each received file is treated and brought back in a single format so that there is always same handling to make to import a file gedcom in your software of genealogy. For data under 75 years, a utility replaces the last name with "Contemporain" and deletes the dates and places.

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I do not find the surnames contained in my file when I query the database... ?

Our data base does not contain any recording whose dates are under 75 years or without date. It is updated each week.

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After having decompressed the downloaded files, I find a file with an incomprehensible extension *.ged... ?

All our files are in GEDCOM format and can only be exploited with a genealogy software which has the functions of import and export GEDCOM.

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After having clicked on the file to download, a message indicates that the website does not exist... ?

This is a link error certainly, contact by email «Cailgeo» by indicating the filename.

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After having to download a file I find the file comptage.php on my hard disk... ?

You are equipped with a Mac device, there must be a setting to set in your browser. Nothing is lost, simply rename the file count.php with the name of the file you wanted to download and the trick is played.

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During decompression, the program reports defective archive... ?

There may have been a problem when we downloaded the file to our server. In this case, contact by e-mail «Cailgeo» by indicating the filename.

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When I click on the file which I have just downloaded, Windows requires of me with which application to open it... ?

You can download this «freeware» (Windows). One finds easily sharewares to be downloaded on the Net.

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When I wish to download, one asks me a password and login, how to make... ?

To be able to reach the downloading, you must become member, for that you must have a file gedcom, in the heading "To be member" and click on "register now!"..

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I created login and password, but they are refused, how to make... ?

All passwords are encrypted. Go to "Participants" and then "Lost Codes". Enter the email address you entered. You have the possibility to recover your login. These informations are sent by e-mail to your address. If you can not get there, send us an «e-mail» with your name and surname, e-mail address, we will do the procedure for you.

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I wish to update my data and my contact information, how to make... ?

To update your data, just log in (login and password) and then go to "Members" and "Update File". Your file will be available within 96 hours of being sent.
To update your coordinates, just log in (login and password) and then go to "Members" and "Information". The form displays the information contained in the database.

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